First Nations Student Award

Highlighting exceptional results in study and contribution to improved justice outcomes for First Nations communities, the First Nations Student Award recognises a law student with passion, dedication and positivity. Whilst establishing the foundations of a future career, this student also has a focus on how they can use their legal knowledge to help advance First Nations people and their communities.


Community Commitment (marked out of 10)

Nominee must demonstrate relevant extra-curricular activities and involvement in First Nations communities that demonstrate a substantial involvement to the advancement of First Nations peoples in Queensland (e.g.: pro-bono work, volunteering, student placements, mentoring work)

Promotion of First Nations people (marked out of 10)

Nominee must have a commitment for further professional development and involvement in promoting First Nations people and communities.

Outstanding academic achievement (marked out of 10)

Nominee must demonstrate outstanding achievement in a field of academic endeavour. Items to take into account are additional family and community commitments

Leadership (marked out of 10)

Nominee must demonstrate leadership and substantial involvement in advocating for the rights of First Nations people and communities in Queensland.

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  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate law degree at a Queensland tertiary institution and:
    • have completed at least four semesters of their law qualifications
    • have maintained full-time or part-time study load
    • have maintained a consistent academic achievement in legal study.
  • Nominee must be nominated (no self-nominations) and
    • nominee must be Queensland-based.
  • Nominees are to meet the following two criteria:
    • be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
    • identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
  • The nominee has not previously won this award.
  • Required with the nomination:
    • a brief curriculum vitae (no more than 2 pages)
    • Two referees (one referee must be from a Queensland tertiary institution the nominee is presently enrolled in and one referee must be from community)
    • Biography and Headshot

Not eligible

  • Judging panel members
  • Queensland Law Society Council members or employees are not eligible for nomination.
  • Teams or firms are not eligible. This award is open to individuals only.

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Key dates

Thursday 18 April Nominations open

Monday 10 June Nominations extension close

Monday 15 July Finalists announced 

Saturday 24 August Winners announced